- The Alhambra in Granada
- Alhambra from Generalife
- Palace from Generalife
- Nasrid Sultan’s Palace Courtyard
- Nasrid Palace Portico
- Moorish Arches
- Archway to the Courtyard
- Sultan’s Palace Entrance
- Hareem above a palace entrance
- Sultan’s Palace Interior
- Decorative Entrances
- Nasrid Archway
- Toward Alhambra from Generalife
- From Alhambra toward Abyazin Moorish Quarter
- Alhambra wall tower
- Alhambra Wall
- Alhambra wall at night
- Alhambra Gate
- Sultan’s Summer Palace
- Seville – Real Alcazar Wall
- Real Alcazar – Royal Palace
- Place Wall Entrance
- To Royal Palace Courtyard
- Palace Interior Courtyard
- Moorish-style courtyard
- Palace courtyard
- Courtyard portico
- To the King’s private garden
- Palace Interior Courtyard
- Palace stairway
- Moorish ceiling tiles
- Visiting tourists
Beautifully done! One can definitely get a sense of place in Alhambra with the stunning Moorish architecture, especially of the Palace. You indeed captured the beauty, detail and grandeur of the place.
Thank you Jennifer. From such a highly accomplished artist as yourself, I consider that high praise indeed.